Boris Kobrinsky

Head of department
Department 75

Professional experience

Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Merited Workers of Science of the Russian Federation

Scientific work

2015 – now Chief research fellow, head of the laboratory of Clinical Decisions Support Systems of the Institute of Modern Information Technologies in Medicine of FRC CSC RAS, head of the Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems of the Russian Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of FRC CSC RAS, Moscow.
1975 – 2015 Junior researcher, chief research fellow, head of department, director of the Research Computing Center/Medical Center for New Information Technologies of the Moscow Research Institute for Pediatric Surgery, Moscow.
1972 – 1975

Junior researcher at the N. I. Pirogov Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Moscow.


Teaching experience

2007 – now Professor, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Medical Cybernetics and Informatics department (Intellectual Systems special course, Basics of Computerised Medical Image Analysis and Processing elective course, Specialised Registers, Telemedicine courses), Moscow.
1989 – 1996 Docent, Central Institute of Improvement for Doctors (from 1994 – Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education), Medico-social Problems of Motherhood and Childhood department (Information Technologies in Medicine course), Moscow.

Consultant/adviser on 6 doctoral and 13 candidate's theses.


1991 Doctoral thesis "Principles and organisation of child health computer monitoring as the basis for chronic disease prevention (genetically determined and inherently predisposed)" by specialties 14.00.09 — Pediatrics, 05.13.09 — Management in biological and health systems (including computing usage).

1986 – 1987

Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow
Faculty of Qualifications Improvement (Medical-Biological Cybernetics specialisation).

1963 – 1970 N. I. Pirogov 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, Moscow.

Awards and achievements

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation


2022 International Program Committee Member of 6-th International Scientific Conference “Intelligent information technologies for industry” (IITI’22)
2021 Program committee member of the International Congress “Information Technologies in Medicine”

International Program Committee Member of Fifth International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry” (IITI’21)

2021 Co-chairman of the X International conference “Integrated Models and Soft Computing in Artificial Intelligence” (IMSC-2021)

Co-chairman of the national program committee of the 19th Russian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RCAI-2021)

2007 Patent "Method of differential diagnosis of polysystemic mitochondrial dysfunction"
2004 I. I. Yuzvishin International Informationology Award
2003 Medal "For Services to the national health care" for developing, implementing and supporting the All-Russian Child Screening federal monitoring system
2001 Creation of the first Russian disaster telemedicine system and its support
2000 "All-Russia Exhibition Centre laureate" medal for developing the DIAGEN diagnostic information system on genetic disorders and the Federal Genetic Register
1984 The DIDENAS Automatic System for Child Population Screening recognised as one of the greatest breakthroughs by the decision of the Pediatric Council of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy medal)

Profiles on external resources

Scopus: AuthorID 6701342456, ORCID 0000-0002-3459-8851
Web of Science: ResearcherID C-5227-2017
Google Scholar: ID hZuQvR8AAAAJ
РИНЦ: ID 126582

