The principles of the operation of an intellectual system of dynamic risk control and the formation of health recommendations


Kobrinsky B. Blagosklonov N.


Health maintenance is determined by numerous factors. Their set determines the risk of various manifestations of human disease. This study is devoted to the development of an intelligent system that takes into account personal predictors and possible situations, which determine the level of a risk for diseases (in the model of myocardial infarction and stroke). The semantic network not only combines the attributes of risk factors, but also includes nodes with the recommendations that correspond to the sets of risk factor, which are identified at a particular moment in an individual. This is in line with a personalized approach to disease prevention.

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DOI: 10.17116/profmed20192205178

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Kobrinskii B. A., Kadykov А. S., Poltavskaya M. G., Blagosklonov N. A., Kovelkova M. N. The principles of the operation of an intellectual system of dynamic risk control and the formation of health recommendations. The Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2019;22(5):78-85.