Expert reflection in the process of diagnosis of diseases at the extraction of knowledge


Kobrinsky B.


Reflection of the expert takes among in the process of forming answers to the questions of the cognitive scientist. In medical diagnostics this process including the analysis of disease dynamics. This procedure can be presented in the form of a formula that includes the fuzzy of pathological manifestations, their relevant and the expert certainty factors. This factor characterizes linguistic (verbal) knowledge and visual holistic images in different time periods of the disease.

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DOI: 10.2991/itsmssm-17.2017.66

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Reference link

Kobrinskii B. Expert reflection in the process of diagnosis of diseases at the extraction of knowledge // Advances in Computer Science Research 2017. Vol.72: Proceedings of the IV International Research Conference "Information Technologies in Science, Management, Social Sphere and Medicine" (ITSMSSM 2017). December 5-8, 2017. P. 321-323.