Model of the patient with liver failure for use in meta-analysis, focused on selection of adequate therapy


Kobrinsky B. Blagosklonov N. Molodchenkov A.


The features of classification of liver failure in various regions of the world are analyzed. Methods for constructing mathematical models of patients and diseases have been studied. A set-theoretical model of the complex clinical presentation of a patient with hepatic insufficiency, used in the process of meta-analysis, is proposed. The model takes into account the etiology and features of the disease course, as well as regional variants of classification of hepatic insufficiency in Russia, Europe, America and Asia. An example of conducting a meta-analysis according to specified criteria is given.

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Reference link

Kobrinskii B. A., Molodchenkov A. I., Blagosklonov N. A., Lukin A. V. Model of the patient with liver failure for use in
meta-analysis, focused on selection of adequate therapy // Physician and IT, 2018. № 2. Pp. 71-79.