The paper presents the first results of computer diagnostics of rare diseases using the ontological system. The algorithm includes the processing of feature modalities with their coefficients in combination with complex characteristics of feature confidence factors by age groups of patients. This makes it possible to further obtain a narrow differential diagnostic series of diseases at the pre-laboratory stage of the examination.
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Download the proceedings of RCAI-2019 at the official conference website (in Russian):КИИ-2019_2_том.pdf
Kobrinskii B. A., Blagosklonov N. A., Demikova N. S., Gribova V. V., Shalfeeva E. A., Petryaeva M. V. The possibility of applying the ontological approach to the diagnosis of orphan diseases // Seventeenth Russian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
RCAI-2019 (Ulyanovsk, Russia, October 21–25). Proceedings. In 2 volumes. Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2019. Volume 2. Pp. 47–55.