The concept of the decision support system for international negotiations in the Arctic region


Смирнов И. В. Осипов Г. С. Даник Ю. Э. Суворова (Ананьева) М. И.


In this paper an approach to the analysis and modeling of the international situation development in the Arctic region is proposed. It aims at the support of the decision-making process by the collection and processing of structured and semi-structured information from different sources, including online resources. The methodology includes the model of the formal situation description, methods of situation assessment, methods of multi-criteria analysis and formalization of complex systems development. The proposed solutions combine the assessment of the current socio-economic, political, scientific and technological situation in the Arctic region based on the public data and mathematical modeling of the further situation development from the multi-agent systems point of view, where each agent represents a country with its own set of criteria for the evaluation of its current and future states.

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Gennady S. Osipov, Mikhail G. Dmitriev, Ivan V. Smirnov, Yulia E. Danik, Margarita I. Ananyeva. The concept of the decision support system for international negotiations in the Arctic region // 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016, conference proceedings, Book 2, Vol.1, 461-469