ParaPlag: Корпус для выявления перефразированных текстовых заимствований на русском языке


Смирнов И. В. Зубарев Д. В. Соченков И. В.


The paper presents the ParaPlag: a large text dataset in Russian to evaluate and compare quality metrics of different plagiarism detection approaches that deal with big data. The competition PlagEvalRus-2017 aimed to evaluate plagiarism detection methods uses the ParaPlag as a main dataset for source retrieval and text alignment tasks. The ParaPlag is open and available on the Web. We propose a guide for writers who want to contribute to the ParaPlag and extend it. The analysis of text rewrite techniques used by unscrupulous authors is also presented in our research.

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Sochenkov I. V., Zubarev D. V., Smirnov I. V. The ParaPlag: Russian Dataset for Paraphrased Plagiarism Detection. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies // Papers from the Annual International Conference "Dialogue" 2017, v. 1, pp. 284–296