Social Tension Detection and Intention Recognition Using Natural Language Semantic Analysis


Смирнов И. В. Осипов Г. С. Чудова Н. В. Соченков И. В.


The paper proposes a method of social tension detection and intention recognition based on natural language analysis of social networks, forums, blogs and news comments. Our approach combines natural language syntax and semantics analysis with statistical processing to identify possible indicators of social tension. The universal components of our method incorporate the general laws of natural language, general psychological, sociological and psycholinguistic rules and trends typical of social tension detection in virtual discussions. Automatic monitoring of the contents of discussions helps to timely unveil hidden signs of tension and makes it possible to predict the likely development of the situation.

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Ссылка при цитировании

O. Vybornova, I. Smirnov, I. Sochenkov, A. Kiselyov, I. Tikhomirov, N. Chudova, Y. Kuznetsova and G. Osipov. Social Tension Detection and Intention Recognition Using Natural Language Semantic Analysis (on the material of Russian-speaking social networks and web forums) // In: Proceedings of the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (IEEE EISIC 2011), September 12-14; Athens, Greece, 2011. P.p. 277-281.