The paper describes the problem of scientific projects double funding. A method for double funding detection is presented, which is based on text similarity and plagiarism detection. We conduct experiments on a dataset provided by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. We show some statistics of found text reuse cases and outline strategies that are used to get double funding.
Статья в Сборнике научных трудов на сайте XIX Международной конференции DAMDID / RCDL’2017 (на англ.):
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Zubarev D. V., Sochenkov I. V., Tikhomirov I. A., Grigoriev O. G. Double Funding of Scientific Projects: Similarity and Plagiarism Detection. Paper from «Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains» conference (DAMDID/RCDL 2017), pp. 282-285 (2017)