Health Management System Knowledge Base for Formation and Support of a Preventive Measures Plan


Кобринский Б. А. Осипов Г. С. Григорьев О. Г. Молодченков А. И.


This paper describes the creation of a knowledge base for an intelli-gent healthcare management system dealing with cases of stroke, myocardial infarction and depression. The main purpose of the knowledge base is to dis-cover and evaluate risk factors and situations which can lead to such diseases, and to enable the formation and support of a preventative measures plan. The present version of the knowledge base is implemented using a heterogeneous semantic network approach and utilizes expert opinions about risk factors and events influencing an individual's health. Data includes genetic predisposition, lifestyle, and external environment. Data is compiled with the aid of question-naires, mobile devices, case histories and information from social media. In-formation from social media is analyzed using data and text mining methods with the goal of evaluating the user’s condition. All of the data obtained is ac-cumulated in a single database. The knowledge base establishes risk factors, in-cluding changes in those factors over the course of time, and circumstances or events which might precipitate the emergence of pathology. Hypotheses are generated about the current state of the user’s health, the active risk factors which created conditions for the onset of disease, and circumstances which might produce an increase or decrease in risk factors. Prophylactic measures to reduce those risks are suggested through analysis of the hypotheses generated. Recommendations regarding prophylactic measures are formed with the aid of the knowledge base, the user case-library, and collaborative filtering methods. Recommendations are based on 4P medicine, which requires mandatory partic-ipation of system users in maintaining their health.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2018.11.050

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Grigoriev O. G., Kobrinskii B. A., Osipov G. S., Molodchenkov A. I., Smirnov I. V. Health Management System Knowledge Base for Formation and Support of a Preventive Measures Plan // Procedia Computer Science. Vol.145. Postproceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, BICA 2018 (Ninth Annual Meeting of the BICA Society), held August 22-24, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. Eds. A.V. Samsonovich, Ch.J. Lebiere. Elsevier, 2018. P. 238-241.