Organization of emotional reactions monitoring of social networks users by means of automatic text analysis


Chudova N. Kuznetsova Y. Chuganskaya A.


The article considers problems of theoretical and methodological nature arising in the organization of monitoring of emotional reactions of social networks users by means of automatic text analysis. The difficulties accompanying the monitoring activity at the level of motivation, goal-setting and the choice of a method for determining markers of emotionality are analyzed. The problems of determining the sampling criteria for the study of emotional reactions of users within communities and large groups, taking into account textual and non-textual parameters are studied. Difficulties in interpreting the data of a set of psycholinguistic features based on machine learning and questions about the applicability of the classifier built on the training corpus to texts from different fields are outlined.

External links

DOI: 10.14357/20718594230205

Reference link

Kuznetsova Yu., Chuganskaya A., Chudova N. Organization of emotional reactions monitoring of social networks users by means of automatic text analysis // Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making. 2023. №. 2. Pp. 64–75.