The paper defines a range of linguistic provisions that (together with the concepts of psychological theory of activity) can be integrated into the models of goal-generation and into the technology of knowledge acquisition by intelligent systems. The evolution of linguistic interpretations of the concept "goal" is considered. We show that its logic consists in gradual removal of restrictions on introducing the prevalent knowledge on goal-setting and psychological structure of human activity into linguistic research. Based on the material of the genre of instruction (which directly embodies the processes of goal-setting and planning in a speech form) we propose the linguistic interpretation of the activity model of a sign. The linguistic means of expressing its semantic components are described as a prerequisite for formalizing the instructions. This paper reveals the heuristic value of including the ideas about the sign mediation of goal-setting realized by intelligent system into the model of this process.
DOI: 10.3103/S0147688220060064
Download PDF from the Institute for Systems Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences website (in Russian):
Salimovskiy, V.A., Osipov, G.S., Kuznetsova, Y.M. et al. The Linguistic Aspects of Goal Setting in Cognitive Modeling // Sci. Tech. Inf. Proc. 47, 331–339 (2020).