Extraction of financial and economic information from texts in Russian


Smirnoff I. Devyatkin D. Kobozeva M. Suvorova (Ananieva) M.


In this article we consider some problems that arise when developing methods and system for automatic extraction of economic events like investment of capital (e.g. in ecological projects), financial provision (e.g. of regions), purchase (e.g. of equipment), etc. In our research we focus on a particular geographical area - the Arctic Region. The aim of the project is to develop a pilot decision support system that analysis Internet media. In this article we propose a method for extraction of economic events, spent sums, investors, and location of an object to be financed. We created an experimental dataset in Russian which includes materials from electronic media and journals dedicated to the Arctic. The quality of the proposed method was confirmed experimentally on this dataset.

External links

PDF at the Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences website (in Russian): http://www.isa.ru/proceedings/images/documents/2018-68-1/t-1-18_23-30.pdf

Proceeding of the Institute for Systems Analysis of the Russian Academy of Science journal: http://www.isa.ru/proceedings/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=992&Itemid=&lang=en

Reference link

Ananeva M. I., Devyatkin D. A., Kamenskaya M. A., Kobozeva M. V., Smirnov I. V. Extraction of financial and economic information from texts in Russian // Works of the Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018. T. 68. No. 1. Page 23-30.