Hierarchical Landmark Policy Optimization for Visual Indoor Navigation


Панов А. И. Староверов А. В.


In this paper, we study the problem of visual indoor navigation to an object that is defined by its semantic category. Recent works have shown significant achievements in the end-to-end reinforcement learning approach and modular systems. However, both approaches need a big step forward to be robust and practically applicable. To solve the problem of insufficient exploration of the scenes and make exploration more semantically meaningful, we extend standard task formulation and give the agent easily accessible landmarks in the form of the room locations and those types. The availability of landmarks allows the agent to build a hierarchical policy structure and achieve a success rate of 63% on validation scenes in a photo-realistic Habitat simulator. In a hierarchy, a low level consists of separately trained RL skills and a high level deterministic policy, which decides which skill is needed at the moment. Also, in this paper, we show the possibility of transferring a trained policy to a real robot. After a bit of training on the reconstructed real scene, the robot shows up to 79% SPL when solving the task of navigating to an arbitrary object.

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DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3182803

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ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361288473_Hierarchical_Landmark_Policy_Optimization_for_Visual_Indoor_Navigation

Ссылка при цитировании

Староверов А., Панов А. И. Hierarchical Landmark Policy Optimization for Visual Indoor Navigation // IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 70447–70455, 2022.