A new method will be developed in the present work of the detection of a robot's position in a relative coordinate system based on a history of camera positions and the robot's movement, symbolic tags and on combining obtained three-dimensional depth maps that account for accuracy of their superimposition and geometric relationships between various images of the same scene. It is expected that this approach will enable one to develop a fast and accurate algorithm for localization in unknown dynamic environment.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2273562
РУДН. Репозиторий: https://repository.rudn.ru/ru/records/article/record/5684/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319926014_Robot_mapping_algorithm_based_on_Kalman_filtering_and_symbolic_tags
Vokhmintcev, T. Botova, I. Sochenkov, A. Sochenkova, A. Makovetskii. "Robot mapping algorithm based on Kalman filtering and symbolic tags", Proc. SPIE 10396, Applications of Digital Image Processing XL, 103962I (19 September 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2273562