Exactus Patent - Patent Search and Analysis System


Smirnoff I. Devyatkin D. Osipov G. Sochenkov I.


The paper presents Exactus Patent – a new system for patent search & analysis. The functionality of the system and information base are described.


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PDF на сайте Государственной публичной научно-технической библиотеки: https://www.gpntb.ru/win/inter-events/crimea2015/disk/030.pdf

Reference link

G. S. Osipov, I. V. Smirnov, I. A. Tikhomirov, I. V. Sochenkov, D. A. Devyatkin , I. V. Khramoin. Exactus Patent - Patent Search and Analysis System // Theses of Reports of the Twenty-second International Conference "Libraries and Information Resources in the Modern World of Science, Culture, Education and Business," 2015 (date of appeal 30.11.2015)