Organizations use systems of modelling and business process management for managing of processes. Experience shows that real processes do not always comply with generized models. Therefore, in 2011 professor Wil van der Aalst developed the method of assessment of compliance which is called Token Reply. For the first time this method was presented in the book “Process mining”. However, this method helps to know the complying only in models where every node matches the act. In more complex models nodes could match the whole processes. The article describes the method of assessment of compliance of the process's exemplar to its generized schemes.
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Перетятько О. Д., Молодченков А. И. Оценка соответствия экземпляра процесса его обобщенной схеме // Информационно-телекоммуникационные технологии и математическое моделирование высокотехнологичных систем: Материалы VIII Всероссийской конференции с международным участием (Москва, 16–20 апреля 2018). – М.: РУДН, 2018. С. 207–209.