The paper presents procedures for a cognitive assistant’s behavior planning based on scripts — generalized schemes of tasks solving. A cognitive assistant is a virtual intelligent agent that has its own worldview and builds a worldview of the user, it helps to solve various common or specific problems. The key component of assistant’s goal-based behavior is scenario - a reusable abstract sequence of actions and situations that are used for synthesis of a concrete plan of actions for a user. The concept of a scenario in psychological and linguistic interpretation as well as the procedure of scenarios extraction from texts are considered. The scenario and the plan of behavior are formalized using the sign-based approach. Methods for synthesizing a plan of behavior are proposed. A test case of a behavior plan synthesis for buying a car is considered.
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I. V. Smirnov, A. I. Panov, A. A. Chuganskaya, M. I. Suvorova, G. A. Kiselev, I. A. Kuruzov, O. G. Grigoriev. Personal cognitive assistant: Planning activity with scripts // Informatics and Applications, 16:1 (2022), 46-53.