The article describes an approach to the modeling of socio-ecological and economic processes in the Arctic and the support of decision making, which means the decision to invest in one or the other industry. Such an approach is based on the ideal point method in the space of criteria. Three criteria are introduced. They are related to the optimization of the dynamics of economic, social and environmental state variables. Absence of some structured data can be partly compensated for by automated processing of unstructured data. Model experiments were performed for the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation. Their results showed that the approach can be applied to forecasting the state of the economy, the natural environment and human resources.
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Danik Y. E., Devyatkin D. A., Dmitriyev M. G., Suvorova M. I. Modeling of rational development of the Arctic zone on the basis of the analysis of open information (on the example of Murmansk region of the Russian Federation) // Works of Institute of the system analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2018. - T. 68. - No. 4. - Page 42-52.