Some scientific and methodological issues of creation of the Fund of analytical technologies and programs


Sochenkov I.


The article discusses the integration of development efforts of information and analytical systems as part of the national intelligent analytical platform. It is proposed to create the Analytical Technologies and Programs Foundation - an information system for collecting, organizing and recording of analytical technologies and programs for computers, as well as to provide access to interested individuals and legal entities. Criteria for inclusion in the ATP Foundation will take into account the level of scientific development, the extent of their demand and implementation, a number of requirements to software and documentation.

External links

PDF at the Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences website (in Russian):

Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making magazine:

Reference link

А. A. Zacharynny, I. V. Sochenkov, A. P. Suchkov. Some scientific and methodological issues of creation of the Fund of analytical technologies and programs // Artificial intelligence and decision-making. 2016, No. 2, p. 78-82