On the 100th Birthday Anniversary of Galina Aleksandrovna Zolotova


Nikitina E.


The authors of the paper remember their teacher, professor Galina Aleksandrovna Zolotova (1924-2020) with love and gratitude and value her linguistic heritage. The article analyzes her contribution to modern Russian studies. Semantics as a part of syntax was the main principle of G.A. Zolotova’s linguistic method who was the author of the concept of functional-communicative grammar. Because of the syntheticism in her thinking, she was able to explore syntactic units and objects of different levels of complexity and volume (syntactic words, word combinations, sentence models, texts), as well as combine syntax and morphology, grammar and text in her linguistic studies. The authors of the paper pay special attention to the ideas of Zolotova, which anticipated their time, and are close to the those, developed much later by linguists of various linguistic directions and movements: the trinity of form-meaning-function of linguistic units, the indirect case of the subject of a sentence, the non-verbalized subject of perception (the figure of the observer), non-verbal predicative constructions, the irreducibility of the meaning of a syntactic whole (construction) to the sum of its parts. The authors of the paper specially trace continuity between the linguistic interests of Academician V. V. Vinogradov and G. A. Zolotova, who remained his devoted student throughout her linguistic activity. As a follower of Vinogradov, she studied the functions of aspect-temporal forms of verb in texts, and introduced the concept of subject perspective of an utterance and a text.

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DOI: 10.31857/S0131611724040106

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Reference link

Onipenko N. K., Nikitina E. N. On the 100th Birthday Anniversary of Galina Aleksandrovna Zolotova // Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2024. No. 4. Pp. 121–127.